What is The Best Time of Day to Workout?


   How many times have your heard this question or perhaps asked it yourself? Personally, if I’m putting forth the effort to exercise I want the biggest bang for the buck! Well, research varies and there are several ways to answer this important question.
For the early birds out there, exercising in the morning has its benefits. For one, raising your heart rate will help you wake up. It also can help you get psyched for the day and set a healthy tone for the day ahead. Morning workouts also provide an opportunity to get it in before the day gets hectic and other time pressures have an opportunity to creep in and interfere. Your exercise is done and complete and can’t get squeezed out. Another bonus according to the American Council on Exercise is that folks who exercise in the morning tend to do better making exercise a consistent habit.
On the other side of the spectrum our bodies have been shown to be physically stronger and have more endurance in the late afternoon. Later in the day our body temperature is higher making this the best time for strength and endurance training. However, exercising or eating too late in the day can sabotage your body’s natural urge to sleep.
So what’s the answer here? Find a time that helps you make exercise a regular consistent part of your life which is more important than the time of day. So far there is no reliable evidence showing calories are burned more efficiently at a certain time of day. What we do know, is those who exercise randomly are least likely to stick with a workout program.   Chose a time you can stick with so exercising becomes a habit. That’s the best time to workout.



Brooke Schlenker helps busy womensquash the common excuse that they don’t have time to exercise.Sharing ideas, tips, and workouts she helps women look and feel better, stay motivated, and fit exercise into their already busy lives.

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