Happy motivational Monday to you! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to hit this week strong. So this past weekend was the start of October. Hard to believe, isn’t it? This year has absolutely flown by for me. I guess the saying is true, that the older you get the faster time flies! None the less, the start of October means several things, besides apple pies, corny Halloween costumes, and cooler weather.
First of all, there are three months left to 2011. How are you going to end this year? Will you coast through the next few months, possibly add a few more pounds, and deal with it next year? Or, will you maintain focus, stay in control over the holidays, and end 2011 feeling great? The choice is yours and now is the time to decide my friend.
Second, the holidays are around the corner. Very enticing Halloween candy is already out! My weakness!! With the holidays comes tempting and usually fattening foods, sweets, parties, drinks… While I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself and have fun, I am saying enjoy yourself, but in a smart way. Don’t undo the progress you’ve worked hard to achieve this past Spring & Summer. Various festivities that come along with the holidays can also mean crazy schedules, late nights, and mornings that come too early. These can all be tempting reasons to skip workouts, let ‘em slide, grab fast food or convenience foods, and falling behind and possibly packing on more pounds.
Third, the last three months of 2011 can be used to start 2012 with great momentum. While everyone else is setting New Years Resolutions and working to get back into the exercise mode, you’ll be ahead of the game. Instead of setting a New Years Resolution to exercise or loose weight, yours will already be in action. A work in progress rather than starting from scratch. A lot of the time getting started is the hardest part. By starting now, your exercise routine will be a habit and second nature. Not to mention, you’ll be three months ahead of the game getting ready for Spring!
So as we begin the start of October and the last three months of 2011, how will you end this year? Will you have a plan in place to keep you on track, feeling great, and moving towards the body you want? Or will you coast through on autopilot?
You probably don’t have to guess at my answer! This time of year I make a conscious effort to end the year strong, full of momentum and pushing me towards a great start to the New Year. How about you?
How do you plan to wrap up 2011?
Tags: exercise motivation, fitness motivation, motivational monday, womens exercise motivation, womens weight loss motivation
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