Motivated by Temptations


Happy motivational Monday! I hope you had a fantabulous weekend! Don’t you just love this time of year? The cool crisp mornings are so refreshing and energizing. Finally I can drink my morning coffee with out sweating! 
This week before Halloween poses quite a large threat to me because I loooove chocolate! I have such a sweet tooth it’s not even funny. The same sweet tooth has had me in trouble before; an ice cream here, a candy bar there, plus a few sodas… and before I realized what was going on my pants were fitting a bit too snug. Not cool.
With Halloween a week away temptations are ALL around! Walking into the grocery store over the weekend first thing after getting a buggy was a stand filled with colorful cupcakes.  Then there was a long row of gooey yummy chocolate candies (on sale of course) in the convenient mini packs. Who can stop at just one anyway? Less than five feet into the store and my mouth is watering.
To resist the tempting sweets requires a plan. Here’s my strategy to keep on track and not feeling deprived.
  1. Planning healthy meals and snacks for the week and buying what’s needed. Knowing my meals ahead of time keeps me organized, helps ensure that I’ll be eating healthy, and limits my trips to the store and possibly tempting situations.
  1. Purchase Halloween candy to give out only on Halloween. Buy it any sooner and I’m guaranteed to eat it. I also try to buy something I don’t like. Unfortunately when it comes to chocolate, that’s hard to come by.  If there is any left at the end of the trick-or-treaters the last kido hits the jack pot.
  1. Stock up on healthier sweet options. If I have a craving for sweets, I’m stocked with apples, pineapple, and hazelnut spread which seems to work like a champ for me.
  1. It’s a long lasting tradition for my friends to get together the weekend before Halloween to celebrate, carve pumpkins, and of course eat! I can’t control what others will bring, but I can control what I make to share. 
  1. Picking and choosing my battles also helps me enjoy myself and not blow my healthy eating goals and undo the progress I’ve made. I don’t feel cheated knowing that I’ll allow myself a few treats. This also keeps me aware of my decisions and making sure the treats I choose are worth it.
  1. Lastly I make sure to fit exercise into my schedule. This reinforces the healthy habits I’m working hard to maintain. Not to mention burning off the extra calories!
This week with temptations all around, I’m extra motivated to enjoy myself but also stay on track and not loose what I already have worked hard for. A test of balance that I’m motivated to come out ahead with a little extra planning and forethought.
Enjoy yourself this week.  But make sure you’re making smart, conscious decisions that support your goals!



Brooke Schlenker helps busy womensquash the common excuse that they don’t have time to exercise.Sharing ideas, tips, and workouts she helps women look and feel better, stay motivated, and fit exercise into their already busy lives.

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