Fall Back Into Your Fitness Routine

 So the summer may be quickly winding down. Cooler temps are coming. Time to pack up the bathing suits and shorts and pull out the cozy sweatshirts and fleece. It’s also time to get back to less exciting, yet necessary parts of our lives like work and school. This time of year reminds us that there are other responsibilities in life other than backyard barbeques, hitting the beach, summer vacations, and working on a great tan.

Unfortunately the change in the season can bring its own obstacles that can easily knock you off the health and fitness wagon – the same one you may have worked hard all spring and summer to stay on. Here are several tips to help make a smooth transition back into the daily grind.
  1. Get Organized
It is up to us to take care of our bodies and mind properly among the endless list of things to get done. This can leave us unsure of just how we’re going to accomplish everything in addition to eating right and fitting in workouts.
– Organize you schedule in advance so you can figure out the best plan of attack that keeps you on track to meeting your goals.
– Creating a set routine each week can be a good way to visualize responsibilities and help make everything feel manageable once it’s all broken down on paper.
– Plan all of your meals and snacks for the week.  
– If you do you workouts at home, have a dedicated space set up with your gear ready to go. If you are a gym-goer, have your gym bag packed and ready in advance.
  1. Establish Priorities
What are your top priorities? After organizing your schedule and creating a weekly routine, identify your top priorities. Beside work and family, focus on the activities that help you feel good and move you forward as a person. 
– Make time to support your healthy goals with activities like shopping for healthy food, pack lunches and snacks in advance, and schedule your workouts. If our minds and bodies aren’t nurtured, everything else suffers as a result. 
– If your schedule overflows (like mine!), practice saying no and start weeding out things that only benefit someone else. No one else can make your health a priority but you.
  1. Manage Stress
This time of year it can be too tempting to take a break from our healthy eating and workouts. The truth of the matter is that making your health a priority now is the best way to deal with the changes life is throwing your direction right now. 
– Exercise and good nutrition are the best ways to stay on top of our professional and personal lives. When we’re not firing on all cylinders, we begin to make bad choices which can add to existing stress. 
– Bad habits become harder and harder to break when we start making excuses for eating poorly and giving in to cheap and easy fast food options 
– The body needs exercise in order for all its systems to run properly.   
– Endorphins released during exercise can help relieve stress and help make us feel happy.
– Exercise can also help us sleep better so you wake up feeling more refreshed and energized.
– In addition to exercise yoga, deep breathing, mediation, and stretching can also help relieve stress.
  1. Grab a Buddy
Have a friend or loved one join you in your fitness and health quest as a workout partner or motivator. 
– You’ll be less likely to allow your routine to get lost in the shuffle.
– An exercise partner can help keep you motivated, committed to your goals, and push you to achieve the results your after.
– Commit to your workout partner and don’t allow each other to slide.
  1. Keep Setting New Goals
– To keep from slipping once you reach your target weight, reset your goals and create new ones.
– Constantly setting new fitness goals keeps our mind engaged.
– Challenge yourself and try new activities in your routine to keep challenged.



Brooke Schlenker helps busy womensquash the common excuse that they don’t have time to exercise.Sharing ideas, tips, and workouts she helps women look and feel better, stay motivated, and fit exercise into their already busy lives.

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