Need to Revive Your Fat Loss?


Ahhh, the dog days of summer. Don’t you just love them? Summer seems to carry a relaxed atmosphere overall. Summer vacations, beach trips, afternoons at the pool, kids out of school and sleeping in late… Overall summer just feels more kicked back and relaxed. 
Have your workouts and healthy eating plans taken a vacation as well? It’s easy to get off track and let things slide a bit. Especially when everything else around you seems to be in relaxation mode.
I’m guilty and have struggled with consistency this summer too. Working out just doesn’t always come to the top of my list of things to do when I’m on vacation! I have stuck pretty well with my exercise and healthy eating overall, but have “loosened up” and certainly there is room for improvement. 
 href="">Image: digitalart /</a></p>  
So, now that I’m back from vacation, back to my normal routine, it is time to get back on track. Are you with me? Here are a few things I’m doing to help get myself back on track:
  1. Keeping a workout calendar. I keep this in a very visible place.
  2. Schedule my workouts in my daytimer (yep, I’m old-school like that.) Time is blocked off and committed to as if it was a work or doctor appointment.
  3. Plan my meals for the week and shop ahead.
  4. Prep as much food as I can. Having salad items ready to be put together, healthy snacks ready, and having fruit washed and cut up helps me save time and have healthy food ready and easily accessible.
  5. Kitchen clean sweep and restock. Clean out any junk that may have snuck in and restock with only healthy options.
  6. Set a new goal or reward. There is still plenty of summer left! And fall fashion is around the corner. Beach trip anyone? 



Brooke Schlenker helps busy womensquash the common excuse that they don’t have time to exercise.Sharing ideas, tips, and workouts she helps women look and feel better, stay motivated, and fit exercise into their already busy lives.

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