Three Points Women Need to Know About Strength Training

Warmer days are around the corner.  Need help getting bathing suite ready?  Here are three things women need to know about strength training. 

To start off, what is strength training?  Strength training can be a number of different forms of exercise.  It can be using weights, bands, kettlebells, or bodyweight exercises to create some form of resistance.

There are so many misconceptions about strength training – especially when it comes to women’s fitness.  Not to mention, most women want to tighten and tone to gain a lean feminine body, not a muscular build like a man.  For this reason many women tend to shy away from strength training or don’t use the resistance they need to get the results they want.  Fortunately, our bodies are different and naturally we are not designed to build muscle mass like men.  Here are three key facts you should know about strength training.

First off, strength training elevates the amount of calories used in activity.  The harder you strength train, the greater the amount of calories you burn through exercise.  In turn, if your daily food intake does not greatly exceed your body’s needs and consists of quality choices, you will loose weight and body fat.

Another huge benefit is that strength training also increases the amount of calories our body uses at rest.  Through strength training the amount of lean muscle mass is increased.  Lean muscle requires our bodies to use more energy to maintain and repair than fat tissue.  Multiple sets of challenging strength training is unique in that the energy used afterwards can be elevated for 24-36 hours.  This is commonly referred to as the “afterburn effect.”

A third important point is that strength training can boost your metabolism, but the exercises have to be more challenging than everyday activities. Strength training requires “strength” so you have to load your exercises accordingly.  Otherwise, your body won’t get the challenge it needs to build muscle, loose fat, and look better in (and out) of clothes.


Brooke Schlenker helps busy womensquash the common excuse that they don’t have time to exercise.Sharing ideas, tips, and workouts she helps women look and feel better, stay motivated, and fit exercise into their already busy lives.

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