Looking for a great workout that’s intense, but not high impact? Here’s a High Intensity Low Impact workout that I put together.
A few weeks back I broke a toe (lol, I am such a klutz!). At first I couldn’t do anything, but when I was able to put more weight on the foot I needed a workout that didn’t require any jumping around!
Here’s what I came up with:
Warm up, then repeat each move for 1 minute. Repeat the sequence 3 or 4 times, cool down and stretch.
Give it a try and let me know how you like it!
- Squat and press
- Wide step duck under
- 1 leg dead lift – kick front with bicep curl
- Standing mountain climber
- Side plank
Tags: do at home womens workout, high intensity low impact workout, hiit workout, womens fat loss, womens interval workout, womens strength training
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